Spain Digital Nomad Visa Ready

plus, how to make your home away from home feel like home

Hello there, welcome to Nomad Cloud, your no. 1 Digital Nomad lifestyle hub.

Let's begin with a recap of the latest news hitting the Digital Nomad Industry.⬇️

🔥Hot off the Press🔥

Spain Digital Nomad Visa is almost here!

  • According to The Washington Post, all non-European citizens will be eligible to apply for the Visa.

  • The Visa will allow successful remote professionals to remain in the Spanish jurisdiction for 12 months with renewal possibilities.

  • As part of the application requirements, applicants must meet a minimum threshold of €2,000 to €3000.

  • The Visa is aiming to attract millions of digital nomads to the country in the next 12 months.

Portugal grants 200 digital nomad visas in less than three months

  • Most beneficiaries are from the UK, US, and Brazil.

  • Applicants are required to show evidence of consistent monthly earnings above €3,040.

  • The move once again shows how forward Portugal’s immigration policies have been over the years and continue to be.

Caribbean islands ranked among the best destinations for digital nomads

  • The two islands are Curaçao and Barbados.

  • The list was compiled by a travel booking platform

  • Curaçao and Barbados are well known for breathtaking beaches, clear sea waters, and mature corals.

Digital Nomadism is on the rise (Forbes)

Anyone else feel like she’s SUPER uncomfortable 😂

Digital nomadism has existed since the inception of the internet in modern-day activities. However, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the global workforce to hit the road as companies scrambled for solutions to keep up productive work.

As a result, many companies are hiring roles like “Head of Remote” and allowing workers to not just work from home but to travel where they feel is best for them. Even with Covid-19 almost behind us, the demand from remote workers to stay remote has increased. The numbers don’t lie either as remote job opportunities have risen exponentially since the peak of the global pandemic according to Forbes.


How to make your home away from home feel like home

Digital Nomads are remote professionals executing their formal duties and responsibilities while traveling. Research shows that digital nomads are highly satisfied with their professional lives as well as their income. Since they travel a lot, digital nomads need to know how to balance work and travel and have the skills to adjust to new environments quickly. To be a successful digital nomad, one must develop a passion for traveling and visiting new places.

The following are several things to consider when trying to adapt to new locations and make the best of them.

  1. Learn the basics of a new language with Duolingo

  2. Try Airbnb experiences to get a better feel of authentic local experience

  3. Schedule your times for relaxation not only work

  4. Create a photo album to save your memories in each city

How to maintain good health as a digital nomad

A healthy mind is a productive mind

As Digital nomads, we travel a lot. But this same freedom comes with some risks. A frequent change in location may predispose nomads to health risks, such as infectious and climatic-oriented diseases.

Another angle is mental health. As online workers, we tend to spend a lot of time in front of screens, i.e., mobile phones and laptops, which may affect our social lives.

Diet may also play a role in some health complications arising from the nature of digital remote professions. If you’re visiting a city for a short time, you may not know the lay of the land. Where are the best organic markets? Where do you pop in for a quick health checkup?

We know it’s not always easy, so we curated a short list of some things to consider:

  1. Regular workouts come in handy to break the monotony of long sitting hours. Even if it’s a 10 min jog once in the morning and once in the evening get out there and breathe some fresh air!

  2. A diet low in processed foods and junk food keeps the body in a better balance and will make your mood more predictable.

  3. Frequent breaks while working also help break the monotony ensuring you’re at your peak production rate.

  4. Goes without saying but if you’re going to a developing nation like Indonesia for example, conduct proper health due diligence about a particular location (immunizations & vaccinations requirements) before planning any trip.

NOMAD OF THE WEEK: Chase Warrington

Chase is a globally-minded professional with nearly 15 years of remote work experience leading distributed teams from locations across the US, Europe, Asia, and South America.

He is Head of Remote at Doist, the creators of Todoist & Twist, supporting 25M+ customers, and a leading remote-first organization with 100+ employees spread throughout 30+ countries, spanning all time zones.

His podcast About Abroad features long-form discussions with thought leaders, nomads, and expats, who are embracing & enabling global mobility, location independence, and the future of work.

🧘🏽‍♂️The Wellness Zone

Meditation improves work productivity

Wellness is the practice of adopting healthy habits regularly to get physically and mentally fit. You’ll increase your physical and mental health significantly and in turn your productivity and work efficiency. Here are a few practices you may want to add to your daily habits to improve your wellness:

  1. Reading books on psychology and emotional intelligence📚️

  2. Regular meditation (5 minutes each day when you wake up) 🧘

  3. Random strolls, especially for the adventurous ones in our crew, slow down!

  4. Improving social skills by attending networking events in areas not in your expertise

  5. Spending time with friends and family, duh! 👪️

📰 Good Reads of the Week

Connect with our Founder on Linkedin: Olumide Gbenro

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